August 19, 2009


da birthday cake

our bears..=)

Finally,last night ktorg (GKP) dpt jgk celebrate besday one of our member nih..Aliah.. Susah payah aku n diz cover line n merempit redah hujan utk bli kek n brg2 ckit utk besday die..huhu.. (actually tak la ssh sgt sbb ade org tlong bwk balik kek) =) Mlm tu, around 10 ktorg ambush bilik aku n time tu lia nga gayut kt phone..terkejut beruk die..keh3.. N ayat die dr mula ambush smpai abes is "korg..thnks sgt..tak sngka..hhuhu" then ktorg makan kek n chit chatting until 1am kot..haha.. cmtu la kalo GKP dh berkumpul..mcm2 yg ktorg borak.. em..that's all kot..kt atas tu ade pic ckit..cake n bear yg dihadiahkn utk lia..but yg bnyk2 tu collection ktorg 1 bilik..hehe

August 11, 2009

Such a tiring day...~

b4 snap gmbr class

latest trend in uitm..huhu

Hari ni pnt gler.. Yesterday, stdy LAW sbb nk test..tdo pon xckup.. Alhamdulillah la, aku leh jwb soalan-soalan tuh..=) Abes test, ktorg satu class g tngkap gmbr utk gmbr klas sem gak sbb suasana laen sket. Tak payah pakai formal n no blazer..hehe.. Gmbr kandid lak ade provide accesories.. cute sgt even aku x cute..keh3.. Abes b'gmbr, ktorg suma clssmates ppuan je la g lunch kt kafe. Ptg de clss lg. After class abes pkul 4 cmtu, aku tantan diz ina midah n efa went to cs. Pe aktiviti ktorg?? hehehe..bowling n karok.. (lpas tnsion kot).. Mlm jgk la bru smpai kolej.. Setel mandi n so on, aku transfer gmbr yg ktorg snap the whole day into pendrive n distribute to gkp members. Lpas pass pendrive kt ina, aku balik bilik n gayut lak kt phone..huhu.. Disebabkn pnt yg terlampau, xlama la dpt gayut, then lena smpai pagi..=)
Kt atas tuh r some of the pic yg dpt aku share kt blog nih..